Sometimes miracles come in small packages...

I was reading this blog post about a mother who decided to pray instead of seeking medical help. Any way as I was reading I couldn't help but think, was she so concieted that she knew excatly how GOD think and act? Then it got me to thinking that sometimes we miss our blessings because were so wrap up in the presentation of miracles.

We expect the o's and the ah's of miracles but don't even notice that GOD has already has answered our prayers. We pray for love and when a good man or woman comes along we don't even recognize them because they weren't what we expected them to be. We pray for a good job and when we realize that the income is not what was expected we walk out. Who knows that man or woman may haven't been what you expected at first glance but if you took the time to get to know them they could of really surprise you. That job you walked out on, even though you wasn't making the six figure income, but who knows, that job could had promoted you to a higher level and then you'll be making that six figure income you was expecting.

My thing is that sometimes miracles come in small packages that has the potential to grow into something huge. Who knows your miracle could be staring you right in your face, but you will never receive it because you wasn't expecting it to be presented to you like this. How many blessings you missed? I know I missed some good ones and I know that some people missed their blessing by not giving me a chance.

Sometimes with GOD simplicity is best...


Sozo's June 4, 2009 at 6:24 PM  

Wow! I stumpled onto your blog today and I'm glad I did. First, your blog is beautifully done, and I'll be adding you to my blog roll as soon as I'm finished with this comments.

Second, that was a great story! I usually don't read blog entries when they are so long but that was just sucked me in and I couldn't wait to see what happened next. I look forward to reading more of that!

About The Writer

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A young brother working on his craft. In this blog you will see everything from stories, poems to random stuff. I think its important that every one just keeps writing what ever it may be, just keep writing we all got a story to tell. So why not let people hear your story. Plus you will hear some of my favorite music.